Thank you so much everyone for joining in on the fun! This Contest
was a great one, and I would love to thank everyone that played~
Thanks too for your patience, it's proved to be difficult finding
internet while traveling. I've waited three hours since arriving at
my hotel room for internet, the storms came through and took out
wireless. But it's back and I couldn't wait until tomorrow to post
the lucky winners!
I'm en route to my sweet baby Jack's house to grammie-sit until
Thursday... If you could please send me your addresses Lynn
and Teresa to~ rosepetalsnblooms@yahoo.com
Just as soon as I arrive home, I will prepare your prizes for shipment~
Thanks again!
Darn it, I didn't win, but congratulations to the lucky ladies, Lynn and Teresa!!
I hope that you had a safe drive and that you enjoy your Nanny time with sweet baby Jack & Hailey =) I'll bet you'll be happy to get back to your own home on Thursday though, right?
I know you felt pretty rushed when you were here in Illinois, but next time will be better! I love you poodle & miss you already XOXOXO
Lucky duckies ! and lucky you to spend time with your sweet GRANDS.
Congratulations Lynn and Teresa!!!
Hi Michelle,
Missed you at Show and Tell Monday, but grandsitting takes precedence over blogs anyday, lol. Hope you are having a wonderful time, when the weather permits.
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
Congrats, Lynn & Teresa!
Hope you are having fun with Baby Jack!
I demand a recount!!!
hee hee,
Psssst....hey prettyfrillywreathlady....pop over to my spot when you get a second....there's something special for you there! =0]
I don't know what to say! I am flabbergasted. :)))) Miles of Smiles
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