The thought of Christmas has put a smile on my face and a skip in my step, and thank goodness for that!
After visiting my grandson Jack, I caught his cold, then kept it two weeks.
With the cold came over a week of fevers, sheer exhaustion, a good old fashion depression....and a large dose of anxiety. Well, maybe I shouldn't call it depression,
I prefer the word melancholy better...I wanted to feel better two days into the cold, I'm sure you know how that is...
I was already behind preparing my shop for the holidays, and I
had a ton of ideas swirling in my head for my Christmas Collection,
but not a bit of energy to follow through.. I wish I would have written down all of the fantastic ideas that came to me when my fevers were at their highest, lol..! I would be rich right now!
My sofa became my best friend in those two weeks, and I found
a new purpose for my ottoman! tee-hee! My ottoman became my
work table, I was just too exhausted to be in my studio. My new
little work station is filled with my glue gun, papers, jewelry,
maribou fur, glitter, glitter...and more glitter.
So, in the end, my fevers have subsided, the antibiotics kicked in
and I managed to create a sweet Altered Art Christmas tabletopper, and the most adorable Tussie Mussie ornaments if I say so myself~

banner in keeping with the Holidays and winter season.
I hope you like the new look.
Here's a sneak peek at my newest creations,
Rose Petals "Winter Wonderland" Signature Collection.
I am so proud of this collection, each ornament is unique in design...
I'll be listing many ornaments this week in my shop,
plus, creating more "fab" surprises, that I did manage to remember,
as the fevers held me hostage~ Look out ottoman, here I come!

Tell me what you think... go ahead, I can take it~ lol!