Sunday, May 9, 2010
12:43 AM
Posted by Michelle
Rose Petals & Blooms
1 comments from my loveable friends
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I've been MIA for a bit, working in my studio, freshening my shop with a new look, didn't have internet connection for over a week, eeek!! etc...
But the biggest reason for being MIA recently is......I've been preparing for the arrival of my Sweet BF Cathy Scalise, you all know her from Treasured Heirlooms~Elegance & Whimsy!!! Cathy hails from the amazing New England area, and flies to West Virginia twice a year for a week at a time to spend it with little ole me! I'm truly a lucky gal!!
I love when Cathy visits, we shop, shop, shop, eat at great restaurants, laugh, talk business, and laugh some more! She's such a refreshing change from my day to day~same old, same old!!! I always say, Cathy brings sunshine with her when she!
The first day Cathy arrived, we drove straight home from the airport to be greeted by a satellite technician.. thank goodness!! My internet has been out since last Sunday, and I was in a panic. What kind of a hostess would I have been if I couldn't provide internet service to my guest/BF!!? My internet is now fixed, phew!! And since Friday, it's been non stop shopping for us... It's rather funny to watch us..when we enter a shop filled with vintage pretties, both of us look at each other and begin to squeal!! We've traveled through tiny shops in Maryland, Va and even enjoyed browsing through the little shops in my area too~ I've taken a few pics of our fun today and couldn't wait to upload them for my post tonight... But to my dismay, none of the photos are salvageable...Boo~Hoo!! I will post pics of our shopping ventures though, I promise! We'll be out almost everyday while she visits, so I should get some great pics, fingers crossed~
In the meantime, I have to show off some of Cathy's latest creations that are featured in her shops... Aren't they stunning!!

Please stop by both of her beautiful shops, Treasured Heirlooms and Elegance & Whimsy to see many more of her gorgeous creations....Believe me, her shops are absolutely AMAZING! You won't be disappointed!
8:15 PM
Posted by Michelle
Rose Petals & Blooms
comments from my loveable friends
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